Nothing is a coincidence

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I love the clarity of your message "We are all prostitutes in the “Creator Economy.” I would add that there are not two but three roles within that- Content Creators, "the algorithm that decides what to show to humans based on its own preferences", and then also the Content Consumers. We need to realize the great power in what we consume and I call that The Real Anti-fake Revolution. It is with regard to everything we consume- food, cosmetics, clothing, content, etc.

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Absolutely, I believe we all should take a step back and realise that nothing - nothing - in these last 20 years has been "normal" and that we are not supposed to consume ourselves inside the digital economy loop. If not, the next phase is not going to be pleasurable...

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I agree with you and that's the power we hold... If only we would wake up to it.

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Just found out that the apple 1 sold for $666.66... random influence or some occult influence but definitely suspect when added to their logo of the bitten apple

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